Zoyinc Kodi skin on Sony TV
I have created a customized skin for Kodi, forked from the Amber skin. The purpose of this skin is to get the experience which I want from Kodi, it was not designed as a skin for everyone. Having said that I have no issues with anyone using it, but bear in mind I won’t be… read more…
YARPP tweaks
These are the customizations I made to get “Yet Another Related Posts Plugin”, YARPP, doing what I wanted on the Zoyinc site. Bear in mind this is being done for the “Twenty Twenty-Three” theme which is “designed to take advantage of the new design tools introduced in WordPress 6.1” using Gutenberg and blocks. It is… read more…
Low voltage LED Christmas lights extension
So you want to setup some outdoor Christmas LED lights around your home and garden, and you tried solar for a while, but realized they really aren’t very powerful, and don’t last very long, so you figured you need to use “low voltage” lights. Low voltage lights have a mini power adapter and a long… read more…
CD Archiving
Rip the music to FLAC First rip the CD Using EAC and the post Archiving a CD using Exact Audio Copy (EAC). This will put the ripped songs *.flac, EAC log file *.log, CUE file *.cue and playlist *.m3u8 files in the root of the folder for that CD: Archive the artwork Archive the artwork… read more…
OKD 4.5 small cluster on ESX
I needed to create a small OKD/OpenShift setup so I could play around with it and get comfortable with using it, developing on it and administering it. Additionally I wanted it to be somewhat similar in setup to what we do at work. This was originally based on the excellent post by Craig Robinson, but… read more…
Restored OKD Cluster Not Starting
I run my OKD cluster on a set of VMs in VMware ESXi. My backups consist of shutting down all VMs and then copying them somewhere else – so full shutdown and backup. The cluster setup was done using the steps outlined in OKD 4.5 small cluster on ESX. This has worked well and I… read more…
Reinstate deleted user OKD 4.5
I had an OKD 4.5 user which authenticated against htpasswd. This user was a member of a group and admin role binding. I then deleted the user through the web console: The problem came when I wanted to re-enable the user. Adding a user in OKD involves adding an authentication mechanism, IDP, such as htpasswd,… read more…
Moving OMV to new hardware
My OMV server failed and would not start so I had to move the data disks, mirrored and system disk to a new PC. This is some lessons learned. Keep it off the LAN For the exercise of moving the disks it seems much easier if you keep the new server off the network until… read more…
OMV fix accidentally split mirror RAID
I had setup a mirrored RAID in OMV and then the PC hardware, not the disks I should emphasize, failed and I needed to move the system disk and two data disks to other hardware. Because I decided to test each disk separately this broke the mirror and in OMV I now saw: Work off… read more…